4_15_Обучение с помощью технологии чат-бот: терминология и общая характеристика . Наука

Chatbot technology education: terminology and general characteristics

  • Данилина Екатерина Константиновна

    Ekaterina K. Danilina. Владивостокский государственный университет. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article discusses theoretical aspects of chatbot technology application in education, with an emphasis on terminology. The research aims to thoroughly examine existing concepts and develop an approach for incorporating chatbots into teaching and learning. By anayzing chatbot terminology, the study provides a better understanding of the role of chatbots in educational settings. It also offers an overview of chatbot use cases from both university institutions and the private sector. The successful examples demonstrate how chatbots can enhance both curricular and cross-curricular learning experiences, support the educational process, facilitate interaction between students and teachers, and increase motivation and creativity. The research is based on a review of academic and methodological literature. To obtain the results, the methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison and specification were employed. The study reveals effective practices and a wide range of possibilities for the implementing chatbots in education, highlighting their potential to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The study also introduces a new concept of learning with chatbot technology.
The results obtained can be applied in both theoretical and practical pedagogy.
Keywords: chatbot, digitalization of education, educational technologies, interactive teaching and learning, chatbot application, automation of educational process.